The Moorhaven web site ( is a resource for all residents of the village as well as for people associated with the village, including friends and neighbours, past residents, people considering living here and past workers and patients at the Moorhaven Hospital.
The web site is an independent enterprise and is managed by a small group of typically three or four "webwatchers" who are responsible for the content of the web site, for moderating the message boards and for evaluating requests for updating the web site. At present the webwatchers are John Meehan, Liz Scott and Sally Wordsworth.
contact the web administrators
I would welcome help from anyone who would like to contribute to the web site by supplying and maintaining information on topics of interest in the village, for example information about schools, churches, sports activities including walking/riding in the area. Information providers would be able to create and maintain information by direct updates to the web site. No special technical skill would be needed.
David Roe
April 2013: Changes to the procedure for posting messages, to enable us to monitor the content of the public message board more carefully. The main changes are:
• you can choose whether to send messages and advertisements by email to registered shareholders only, and/or to all registered users and /or to post the message on the public message board.
• if you choose to post your message on the message board, it will normally appear on the message board after 48 hours, subject to approval. Emails are sent out immediately as before, and advertisements are posted on the message board immediately.
• Access to reference documents (Management company minutes etc) is restricted to shareholders
May 2013: You can now choose your own password for viewing documents and making posts.
You can also specify a name that will appear on your posts and emails as an alternative to your full name eg Charlie B.
August 2013: Update layout of home page and others
November 2013: There is now an option that allows users to choose to receive message emails while suppressing ads
Jan 2014: Security improvements to the process for registering new users (receiving/creating posts)
Feb 2019 Service update to support latest version of host software: php 7.2